Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Well, that's sounding better"

Those words, from Arnie, are music to OUR ears as we practice deligently each week in preparation for both our lesson and the Tuesday evening Orchestra rehersals.  Attendence was down this past Tuesday as there were many competing events, from sports to baby showers!

Arnie did share a tip for this week.  He says we need to be mindful of the lack of sharps in Izy's Waltz.  He had the group work on finding C natural and F natural, reminding us to use a "low second finger" for both.  It was helpful to run up and down the scale on both the A string, finding C natural, and also on the D string, zeroing in on F natural.  For most, this may seem like an easy feat, but most of our songs have been in the key of G with both F and C being sharp.

With the concert less than a month away, the next topic for Arnie's input will be about concert etiquette.  I am sure he will have some guidance for us to prepare us as some of the students will move on to bigger stages!

Friday, October 5, 2012

I want a pepperoni pepperoni pizza!!

The 2012 Fall RRS Orchestra season is well underway.  We've had 3 weeks of lessons and orchestra to prepare for the November concerts.  Arnie has again surprised us with not only some original arrangements, but has also seen his vision of a mandolin group come to be!

The mandolin group meets on Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm.  I don't know how many students Arnie thought he was going to have, but there are at least 20 of us.  Arnie has arranged one song that he offered a "help" to get the timing down, hence the title of this posting!  It's an ear worm for many of us practicing the song.  I find myself wanting many pepperoni pizzas!

For the next posting, I am going to ask Arnie what 3 or 4 things he'd like to stress as we practice our parts each week.  I'm sure he'll have some good suggestions that would be good to review.  Maybe I could even record him and include a link.  It would be a handy resource if someone missed a lesson or a Tuesday session.

One thing to pass along from Lynn is a reminder about the silent auction that will be quietly going on during our concerts.  If you have something nice to donate, please contact Lynn, or get word to me and I will be happy to relay it on.

Hopefully the snows will hold off until after our concerts!  Dates, times and locations will be posted next week as a handy reference.  Until then!  ~~Rachel